Monday, January 19, 2009


Magpie, are you collecting shiny toys?

And when will you put me back on the shelf, bored with my games, spoilt for choice?

Magpie, I love you I love you I love you I'm obsessed with you I can't think of a single other thing, awake or asleep. It hurts, it burns to be away from you, but when I'm with you all I can think is that soon, soon, it will be over and I'll have to leave you and be alone again. At least now I have your mark on me, so I can carry you with me always. Every time you draw it again it sinks in deeper below my skin, into my blood and my mind as I sob with pain.

But I'm just a silly girl. I can see that you're infatuated now, but I'm so so scared it will wear off. You've been this way so much longer than me. I hate it when you're away and I don't know what you're doing, who you're seeing. I want you to myself. I'll kill anyone who touches you. I'll do anything to make sure you're mine. I promise, no more games.

I'm yours.

Please love me, too? Forever?


Anonymous said...

No more games. No more playing. There’s too much to lose. Too much at stake. Nothing shall come between us. I would risk it all. Risk everything. For you.

Anonymous said...

Do you love me?

Anonymous said...

Love is just a word, meaningless. There is no love but pure emotion. Raw and unchecked. What we have defies words. Defies the labels of a sick world choking on its own sentiment.
Beyond Good.
Beyond Evil.
Beyond Love.
That is what we have.