Monday, August 30, 2010

Exit Stage Left

I always wanted to be the hero. Centre stage was always my station. But in this tale I am no protagonist. Saviour perhaps, but no leading man.
Saviour. Curious thing about saviours, they get sacrificed for their causes. Such is fate.
How did it come to this? Twisted and meandering is the path that led me here. How I railed against the injustice of it. Denied inner peace for one lapse of judgement. One single moment of poor taste. Even now I hear his maniacal laughter in my head, taunting me. No more. I will strike at where he hides and in the process release myself.
It must be hastened. The longer it sleeps, the stronger it shall be when it awakens. The blood of elders will rouse it. Spectator no more, I shall take the mantle of instigator. A foil to the folly of ages.
Sacrifice. Perhaps in sacrifice, I shall find peace. And in peace, I’ll yet be a hero.

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