Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Letter To My Prince

My dear prince,

I write this letter to you because I feel I owe you at least this much. Take it as a confirmation of my loyalty to you, an apology for actions not yet taken or even a confession of guilt. Any one will fit. But know that I write this with no deceit and nothing but love and loyalty in my heart. You are not just my prince, but a dear friend and the only family I've ever known. I would lay down a thousand of my lives to keep you and the others safe, and never feel even the slightest regret.

I feel little loyalty to the Camarilla itself. Sure, I understand the need for it, the need for its rules and its traditions. They are perfectly rational, and upholding them should be a priority. Yet I also know that this is not all that the Camarilla are about. There are aspects to it that I (or dare I even say we) do not really agree with. Our Malkavian 'weakness' grants us the special ability to see through the smoke that clouds everyone else's eyes. This is why we are so mistrusted in this organisation... because we can see the truths they try to keep from us. We can see the lies in their doctrine. And I know it is not just I who sees this. How can we not see it? Our Tabitha is the very embodiment of this truth!


Is this not the perfect paradox? Finally we've achieved what every mortal wishes for, only to have it sucked from us one fateful night. I have no doubt that if they could, every clan in the Camarilla would wipe us out completely. It is only because they fear the violence of our retribution should they fail that they do not try. We are more hated and mistrusted than even the Nosferatu.

That being said, please do not assume that I feel any sympathy for the Sabbat. I despise them with every part of my being. I abhor their callous violence and their disregard for their own humanity. I remember that you once taught me about the struggle between the beast and the man inside of us. I'd go as far as saying it is a struggle between life and death. There still burns some life in our corpses, and it is this life that gives us our conscience, our morality. The death in us strives to cause only more death.

To be honest, in light of the auguries around us all the sect squabbles seem quite pathetic. Like children fighting on a playground.

So, to come to the point of this letter. I wish for you to know that any actions I might take in the future, no matter how they look, are taken for the good of our clan. Everything I do I do for you, my dear prince. If I keep any secrets from you it will be because I feel that these secrets will put the bearer of them in great jeopardy. If I take any actions that seem disagreeable I will be because I feel that they will grant us more time together.

In short, you and the others are all I have in this world. You are the sole reason for my existence. You have shown me mercy and clemency when you had no reason to. You have shown trust in me when everyone else would not. And now I ask you one last time. Please trust me. Trust that whatever I do will be for our greater good.

Your servant in eternal love and loyalty,


Anonymous said...

Dear Jeremy,

Your words are exactly those that led Greymalkin to his fate. I wouldn't want you to fall along the same path he did. As well meaning as Greymalkin's intentions were, as even the Prince has come to find, he was still punished for it as they stripped him of his will.

I know you look for patterns in everything - can't you see the warning signs here? Greymalkin pursued the same path as you, and look where it lead him - detested by many, his will bound to others. Is this the fate you want?

You still have friends, Jeremy, you're not in this alone. There may be those amongst the Camarilla that have their own agendas above those of the good of our kind, but we need to be the leaders - we need to help show the way, and the advantage of working together towards a common goal - our eternal survival and our dominance.

Working on your own is only going to lead to your undoing. That was Greymalkin's mistake, and, I fear, Oscar's too. I don't want you to die, and I don't want you to have your will stripped away - Please, please don't do this on your own - you have people that care about you.

With the greatest affection,
John Riveira

Anonymous said...

I fear you know only half-truths, Johnny. The matter with Greymalkin is much more complex than you thought, and the purpose of his 'punishment' not immediatly obvious. Greymalkin and I are at opposite ends of the spectrum! Do not dare compare my motives with those of that that self-serving, megalomanic worm.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeremy,

I fear that you only know of the 'truths' that the sabbat have told you. Speak to your Prince, find out what truth they delved from Greymalkins mind. Surely you can trust her word.

You have little idea of the sacrifices that Greymalkin had to make in order to benefit the Camarilla, in order to make sure that we had even a chance of surviving amidst the sabbat.

Greymalkin was placed in the high position of primogen for a reason. He placed himself in a position of distrust for a reason. He needed to be despised, he needed to make a display of his worth to the sabbat, and show reason why he would work for them. He played the very dangerous game of trying to infiltrate them - the same game that killed our sires.

I know that it's difficult to see that, as he made you despise him in order to get the job done. It's a task only our clan, with our resilience towards being despised, could handle.

Do you even know that Greymalkin knew of the potential consequences of turning himself in, and he willingly did so. Greymalkin could have skulked off in the night and no-one would've ever found him. Even though he knew his cover was blown, even though he knew the risk of final death hung above his head, he still returned to be judged, in the hopes that he could still someday be of service to the Camarilla. Surely you can see that?

I know that Greymalkin may act, at times, selfishly, but we all do it. We all have our own goals, our own things we want done. But Greymalkin acting the way he did to infiltrate the Sabbat, and, not only get information that we may need, but also served to delay and frustrate the plans of the Sabbat - giving them just enough information to act foolishly upon.

Even if the Sabbat handed him over, don't you find that suspicious? Don't you think that if Greymalkin really believed in the Sabbat cause they would want to keep him? Don't you think they would've gotten substantially more information then they did, before he was handed over? They would've known that Greymalkin wasn't a true asset of theirs before they returned him - they would've known that his heart lay with the Camarilla - in fact, they would've loved to see the Camarilla punish one of their own for showing such loyalty and courage as to single-handedly attempt to infiltrate the Sabbat.

The sabbat are using you, Jeremy. They are filling your heads with lies. Believe in your Prince, and your friends - turn your back on the Sabbat, don't listen to their lies, don't fall for their tricks. They want you, and they are willing to resort to any foul measure to get you. Once they have you in their grasp, they'll bend your will to theirs with their blood bonds and their mind magic - that is the way of the Sabbat.

Yours in hope,
John Riviera

Anonymous said...

I don't know whether I should envy or pitty such naivety and ignorance.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jeremy,

Don't be mean. I'm only telling you what I see and what I hear from our friends, from people that are looking after us and from the Prince herself. If these guys were out to get us, we'd be dead already, or we'd be bound to them by blood.

Don't believe what the sabbat tell you - they're the bad guys, they just want to use you.

I'm scared that I'm going to lose you, Jeremy. Please don't go away. I've lost too many people already. Please don't leave.

John Riviera

Anonymous said...

People leave. People die. You start relying on people sticking around and that’s when you get taken out. People should only matter up to the point of how they extend your own survival. Nothing more.