Tuesday, October 21, 2008


God damn, don't these people have a shower or something?

After the weirdest night of my entire life, I'm stuck in a room with the ugliest mothers in the world (fact). Not to mention the Bear-man and the crazy schizo killer. I kid you not. I have the strangest feeling that I've just been abducted, but nobody's talking about ransoms yet so let's just wait and see. Not too worried - these dudes seem pretty incompetent.

We're just back from some sort of creepy meeting with a bunch of goth kids and dress-up nutcases. With all their talk of blood and politics and wheeling-and-dealing, I'm beginning to suspect that these guys are the mob. For real. (Stacy you will not believe this!!! :P Will get some pics if I can...)

So now we're sitting waiting for this big explanation about what's going on and I'm getting hungry and if schizo man flicks his lighter one more time I'm gonna smack him. Tried to have a conversation with that Long Tom guy, but he speaks all European (no subtitles lol!!).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You mentioned the phrase "Lithium buzz." Did you get that from Andrew P. H. Clyde's book of the same name? It's a great book if you haven't read it. It gives Lithium buzz a whole new perspective!